It is often said that the key to information is not the ability to retain it, but the ability to access it quickly when necessary. Network documentation and standardization are critical steps during any IT implementation, and vital components of the ongoing maintenance of any IT environment.
The availability of an accurate network can be the most important resource when catastrophic technology events occur. Along with current data backups, well-organized and updated documentation is the most important factor in rebuilding a workable environment quickly and accurately when disaster strikes.
At WaTech, we believe in working documentation that can be used to support your site, as well as identify weaknesses. We start by labeling and inventorying each network component with a standardized methodology.
We then generate hard-copy binders with everything from snapshots of configuration parameters to step-by-step installation procedures that were used during deployment. We also include physical and logical drawings of your network layout that show your network graphically and help identify potential “points of failure.”
WaTech can aid your internal support staff who may be too busy to dedicate time to documenting and standardizing. WaTech can also help if your company has changed IT support vendors and is struggling to understand the roles of the devices in your IT environment.
WaTech’s documentation and standardization services will give you the peace of mind that your network is documented and that your technology can be restored in the event of a disaster.